Mr. Nixon: Self-portrait in pastel.
Mr. Nixon: Self-portrait in pastel.
Mr. Nixon: Process Video of Self-Portrait.
Mr. Nixon: Sketchin'...
Mr. Nixon: Painting in Laurel Hill Cemetery
Mr. Nixon: Another still life...
Mr. Nixon: Flower study of a peony.
Mr. Nixon: Skull
Mr. Nixon: I finally got the Guerilla Painter french resistance paint box. Now it's time to do some plein air painting.
Mr. Nixon: "Pear" -graphite and white chalk on toned paper.
Mr. Nixon: On the easel.
Mr. Nixon: Robert Smith strikes again.
Mr. Nixon: "Dan"
Mr. Nixon: Diana
Mr. Nixon: Untitled
Mr. Nixon: "Bell Tower"
Mr. Nixon: Ubiquitous creepy puppet painting.
Mr. Nixon: Figure painting for Class
Mr. Nixon: working on this one again
Mr. Nixon: "Rock me Amadeus."
Mr. Nixon: Skeleton toy
Mr. Nixon: Skeleton toy
Mr. Nixon: Skeleton toy
Mr. Nixon: Still life painting from last fall
Mr. Nixon: Here's an unfinished one from a couple months ago.
Mr. Nixon: Alla Prima Portrait in warm artificial light.