mr._martini: finder of the patch
mr._martini: day one
mr._martini: day one too
mr._martini: crossed the line
mr._martini: an end
mr._martini: emergency to open
mr._martini: go in cycles
mr._martini: a mother could love
mr._martini: it's only temporary
mr._martini: where we started
mr._martini: not light beer
mr._martini: when i shine
mr._martini: out of my system
mr._martini: gathering the energy
mr._martini: find your face
mr._martini: protect your neck
mr._martini: side tracked
mr._martini: hand in it
mr._martini: mind your head
mr._martini: relax your mind
mr._martini: hot and cold
mr._martini: splitting hairs
mr._martini: follow the hat