old mr_johnnya: february bright
old mr_johnnya: unconnected
old mr_johnnya: bridge and water rust and ice
old mr_johnnya: friends through thick or thin
old mr_johnnya: water on the edge of boil
old mr_johnnya: water aboil
old mr_johnnya: periods of roughness
old mr_johnnya: it's all water under the bridge...eventually
old mr_johnnya: under the IWAY Bridge at night
old mr_johnnya: the IWAY Bridge very early morn
old mr_johnnya: baywatch
old mr_johnnya: up the Blackstone
old mr_johnnya: the lower falls
old mr_johnnya: below the falls
old mr_johnnya: the fall line
old mr_johnnya: last light on the cove
old mr_johnnya: Barrington traffic at dusk
old mr_johnnya: takin' a sip
old mr_johnnya: tugs on the waterfront
old mr_johnnya: just past peak
old mr_johnnya: old floodgate gear
old mr_johnnya: swimming in watercolor
old mr_johnnya: preening
old mr_johnnya: under the IWAY