old mr_johnnya: some memories of the past year still linger
old mr_johnnya: the dark days of Christmas (as the ornaments hang lower by the day)
old mr_johnnya: sunrise over a peaceful place
old mr_johnnya: frozen spring melt
old mr_johnnya: skating away on the thin ice of a new day
old mr_johnnya: reality on green
old mr_johnnya: just on the rim
old mr_johnnya: what makes a blue jay blue.
old mr_johnnya: water on the edge of boil
old mr_johnnya: minus 1 pyrex baking dish
old mr_johnnya: a look out my front door this morn
old mr_johnnya: breakfast
old mr_johnnya: lil Mack
old mr_johnnya: stalagmice
old mr_johnnya: That's why they play the game.
old mr_johnnya: red and yellow
old mr_johnnya: emergence 2
old mr_johnnya: a mountain of clouds
old mr_johnnya: sam in silhouette
old mr_johnnya: gold pegasus
old mr_johnnya: for a chilly day
old mr_johnnya: differential
old mr_johnnya: man in the wilderness
old mr_johnnya: snowflower petal in sunlight
old mr_johnnya: evergreen
old mr_johnnya: make the white queen move
old mr_johnnya: an icy trident
old mr_johnnya: time for more ink