mr.ephotopoet: Squeaker
mr.ephotopoet: Sad Little GoldFinch
mr.ephotopoet: Great Egret at Gray Lodge
mr.ephotopoet: California Condors: Got Your Back
mr.ephotopoet: Remains
mr.ephotopoet: Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph, Male (I think)
mr.ephotopoet: Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph, Male (I think)
mr.ephotopoet: Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph, Male (I think)
mr.ephotopoet: Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph, Male (I think)
mr.ephotopoet: Swainson's Hawk, Dark Morph, Male (I think)
mr.ephotopoet: Who's the Boss?
mr.ephotopoet: Goldfinch
mr.ephotopoet: Starling
mr.ephotopoet: Out of the Nest