mr-bg: D643 NOE West Midlands on hire to Viscount
mr-bg: E34 NEF Darlington Transport Company
mr-bg: E205 HRY Midland Fox
mr-bg: E219 PWY Derby City Transport
mr-bg: E313 YDS Strathclyde's Buses
mr-bg: E560 UHS Ex Parks
mr-bg: EDS 685T Skills of Nottingham
mr-bg: EJV 32Y Grimsby Cleethorpes
mr-bg: F515 CDT Yorkshire Traction
mr-bg: F705 CWJ Yorkshire Traction
mr-bg: F705 KFM C Line
mr-bg: F740 HRC Nottingham City Transport
mr-bg: F858 YJX Shaw's Tours Whitley
mr-bg: F901 JRG Newcastle Busways
mr-bg: F920 JRG Newcastle Busways
mr-bg: D616 NOE West Midlands on hire to Viscount
mr-bg: D571 VBV Road Car
mr-bg: D88 ALX Yorkshire Terrier
mr-bg: D88 ALX Yorkshire Terrier (2)
mr-bg: CUF 258L Go Nash
mr-bg: C773 MVH Scenic Cruisers
mr-bg: C303 SPL London Country
mr-bg: C201 HTH South Wales Transport
mr-bg: C111 HDT South Yorkshire
mr-bg: C107 HDT South Yorkshire
mr-bg: BVP 814V Nottingham City Transport
mr-bg: BBR 736S W H Jolly
mr-bg: APT 157L OK Travel
mr-bg: 9920 MT Motts Travel
mr-bg: 815 BLN Hastings & Dst