m.z.p: Old Jaffa
m.z.p: Tel Aviv in January
m.z.p: Date Farm, Galilee
m.z.p: Golan Heights
m.z.p: Golan Heights
m.z.p: Tsfat Bazaar
m.z.p: In Tzfat
m.z.p: Mr. Lachuch, Tzfat
m.z.p: Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
m.z.p: Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
m.z.p: Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth
m.z.p: Caesarea port
m.z.p: Turkish Bazaar, Acre
m.z.p: The el-Jazzar Mosque, Acre
m.z.p: Fiddler at Jaffa Gate
m.z.p: Armenian Quarter, Jerusalem
m.z.p: View of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives
m.z.p: Jewish Quarter, Jerusalem
m.z.p: Masada
m.z.p: Old Jaffa
m.z.p: Old Jaffa
m.z.p: Mikl, Jaffa merchant
m.z.p: Old Jerusalem
m.z.p: DSCF6396