mpmcgaughey: Jade Iridium in the sun light :o)
mpmcgaughey: Oakley Radar Anti-Freeze w/ Jade Iridium
mpmcgaughey: Behind the lense
mpmcgaughey: Side View of Anti-Freeze Radars
mpmcgaughey: Bag Detail Back
mpmcgaughey: Bag Detail Front
mpmcgaughey: Come on, say it with me..."DAAAAMMMNNN!!!" ;oP
mpmcgaughey: Now what do we have here ;oP
mpmcgaughey: What may be in here :o-
mpmcgaughey: Case seeing the light of day :oP
mpmcgaughey: All wrapped up :o)
mpmcgaughey: ...and what do we have here ;o)
mpmcgaughey: Don't ya love getting packages in the mail from Oakley :o)
mpmcgaughey: From: JK Distribution ;o)