Jeremy Gillick: Wild Rover
Jeremy Gillick: Wild Rover
Jeremy Gillick: Cusco, Plaza de Armas
Jeremy Gillick: Night: Cusco, Plaza de Armas
Jeremy Gillick: Night: Cusco, Plaza de Armas
Jeremy Gillick: The original Inca walls, still standing.
Jeremy Gillick: Look at how tighly they fit.
Jeremy Gillick: Look at that Incan stone work
Jeremy Gillick: The ferocious hostel cat
Jeremy Gillick: Giant parade of some kind
Jeremy Gillick: Espresso!
Jeremy Gillick: Qorikancha
Jeremy Gillick: Incan ruins
Jeremy Gillick: Original Incan stone work
Jeremy Gillick: Contrast: Spanish stone work vs Inca Stone work. Look at the difference. The Spanish wall is crude and week and has crumbled with each big earthquake. The Inca wall has stood the test of time and earthquakes.
Jeremy Gillick: CIMG7864
Jeremy Gillick: Random dance party at Pirwa hostel