moyra scott: IMG_2770
moyra scott: IMG_2771
moyra scott: wet paper and red and orange water colour
moyra scott: IMG_2774
moyra scott: wet area in the middle of the page, dropped water colour into it, tipped page for drips, used brush to move paint about
moyra scott: IMG_2778
moyra scott: IMG_2780
moyra scott: IMG_2781
moyra scott: wet paper green blobs of watercolour
moyra scott: IMG_2785
moyra scott: IMG_2787
moyra scott: colour wash, writing using yellow and white watercolour
moyra scott: IMG_2790
moyra scott: IMG_2791
moyra scott: wax crayon and water colour
moyra scott: IMG_2795
moyra scott: wax crayon and water colour paint
moyra scott: IMG_2802
moyra scott: print using wet cling film from brown paint and old tea
moyra scott: paper wet with tea, brown water colour drawings, smudged with cling film