moxie58: DSCF0013.JPG
moxie58: 2007_1023Sky0008
moxie58: Two Suns in the Sky?
moxie58: Sky_082107_003.jpg
moxie58: Sky_082107_002.jpg
moxie58: Sky_082107_001.jpg
moxie58: Somerville Skies
moxie58: Somerville Sky
moxie58: Somerville Skies
moxie58: Somerville Skies
moxie58: Somerville Skies
moxie58: bedroomwindow7AM.jpg
moxie58: View from Deck
moxie58: View from the Deck
moxie58: Small house, new construction!
moxie58: town farm, common.
moxie58: oxen!
moxie58: town common, meeting house
moxie58: Backyard, Midmorning Snow
moxie58: Backyard, PreDawn Snow
moxie58: Midafternoon Snow
moxie58: sunset over Medford
moxie58: sunset over the Mystic river
moxie58: Sunrise, Backyard, Snow
moxie58: Sunrise, Backyard, Snow
moxie58: sunsetColors
moxie58: cambridgeSky
moxie58: ghostlyAM_reflection
moxie58: AM_Light
moxie58: Dramatic Sky!