onami*: precipitation
onami*: Love Song/Sara Bareilles
onami*: Veggie Tempura
onami*: Greek Salad at Mermaid Tavern
onami*: IMG_2047.JPG
onami*: CIMG4945.JPG
onami*: IMG_2532.JPG
onami*: our classroom
onami*: IBU
onami*: IMG_3308.JPG
onami*: i'm going to miss this.
onami*: That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed) / Panic! at the Disco
onami*: For A Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic / Paramore
onami*: Unfold.
onami*: nikkie's tofu dish
onami*: i miss francis!
onami*: "Happy Journal"
onami*: IMG_5200
onami*: CIMG6467
onami*: CIMG6518
onami*: Sella Bay 6