michz: Mission
michz: Van Ness & Mission
michz: Glen Park Balcony
michz: Grocery Shopping
michz: Cows (or are they sheep?) behind the office parking lot
michz: A Noe Valley street
michz: 24th Street in Noe Valley
michz: Police training
michz: Running accross the Golden Gate bridge
michz: Running accross the Golden Gate bridge
michz: Market St.
michz: Waiting... just waiting at the the BMW dealership for my sick car.
michz: Walking home... crossing the 101 off ramp
michz: Dolores St -- I want to live on this street!
michz: Noe Valley -- love the multicolored houses
michz: Diamond St. -- on my way home from the dealership
michz: The view of the city -- I love this city. Still walking home.
michz: Our neighborhood park
michz: Our neighborhood park
michz: Crossing the Bay Bridge
michz: Interesting purple plants
michz: Wall Accents in Glen Park
michz: Glen Park Views
michz: The lovely hospital
michz: Stairs
michz: Driving accross the Bay Bridge
michz: House under construction in Glen Park
michz: Resting after a run up the hill
michz: Jillians
michz: Noe Valley