Moveright International: 374. Chaining down DDE woith DoC behind Atlantic Conveyor 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 373. Manoeuvering DoC into position inside Atlantic Conveyor 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 372. Dwight D Eisenhower being moved to the quay Ceres 25 September small David Othen
Moveright International: 371. Dwight D Eisenhower being moved to quayside 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 370. Dominion of Canda & Dwight D Eisenhower on the quayside 25 September 2012c David Othen
Moveright International: 369. Dominion of Canda & Dwight D Eisenhower on the quayside 25 September 2012b David Othen small
Moveright International: 368. Dominion of Canda & Dwight D Eisenhower on the quayside 25 September 2012a small David Othen
Moveright International: 367. Dominion of Canada being moved to quayside 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 366. DoC being pushed on to Atlantic Conveyor 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 365. DoC (right) & DDE (left) tenders under the cranes 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 364. DoC (right) & DDE (left) tenders front view Ceres 25 September 2012small David Othen
Moveright International: 363. DoC (left) & DDE (right) tenders rear view Ceres 25 September 2012small David Othen
Moveright International: 362. DoC (left) & DDE (right) tenders from above Ceres 25 September 2012small David Othen
Moveright International: 361. DoC (left) & DDE (right) tenders from above Ceres 25 September 2012bsmall David Othen
Moveright International: 360. DoC & DDE front view Ceres 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 359. DDE on mafi at night 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 358. DDE being pulled & pushed on to the quay prior to loading 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 357. DDE & DoC Ceres 25 September 2012 small David Othen
Moveright International: 355. Unloading Dominion of Canada Ceres 19 September 2012 003 David Othen
Moveright International: 354. Unloading Dominion of Canada Ceres 19 September 2012 002 David Othen
Moveright International: 353. Unloading Dominion of Canada Ceres 19 September 2012 001 David Othen
Moveright International: 352. Transfering from storage to shipping mafi 18 September 2012 David Othen
Moveright International: 351. Dominion Of Canada tender Ceres 18 September 2012 David Othen
Moveright International: 350. Dominion Of Canada tender being unloaded Ceres 18 September 2012 David Othen
Moveright International: 349. DoC & DDE Ceres 18 September 2012 David Othen
Moveright International: 348. CN#120 with DoC China Town 17 September 2012 David Othen
Moveright International: 347. DoC departing Exporail to CP Yard and onward transit to Halifax.
Moveright International: 346. DoC departing Exporail to CP Yard and onward transit to Halifax.
Moveright International: 345. DoC sheeted ready for transit to Halifax. Montreal.
Moveright International: 344. DoC sheeted ready for transit to Halifax. Montreal.