robofluff: NAU Skydome
robofluff: Band Geeks
robofluff: Tuba-ma-phone
robofluff: Crooked Fireplace Shot
robofluff: More Dog Dancin'.
robofluff: Dancin' Einstein
robofluff: If the camera had focused properly, this would be teh awesome.
robofluff: More Cute Dog Photos
robofluff: Oh noes! Einstein stepped on a cactus!
robofluff: Einstein
robofluff: Maxine Lankin Nature Trail
robofluff: Michelle with the sun in her eyes
robofluff: Memememichelle attempting to take a picture of a camera-shy dog
robofluff: Michelle and Einstein
robofluff: Michelle and Einstein Decided to Join Us
robofluff: Cats at the Park
robofluff: Cats at the Park
robofluff: Mountain View Park
robofluff: Playground, Bathrooms, and Gazebos
robofluff: South View of North Mountain Area from Mountain View Park
robofluff: Soccer Field at the Foot of the North Mountain Area
robofluff: North Mountain Area from Mountain View Park
robofluff: Max
robofluff: Mikey and Max
robofluff: Hair Color of the Week
robofluff: Hair Color of the Week