mouser-nerdbot: Black Swallowtail
mouser-nerdbot: Western Tiger Swallowtail
mouser-nerdbot: Meade's Sulphur
mouser-nerdbot: Sara Orangetip
mouser-nerdbot: Euptoieta claudia
mouser-nerdbot: Comma moth of some sort
mouser-nerdbot: Antheraea polyphemus
mouser-nerdbot: Vanessa cardui
mouser-nerdbot: Unidentified Moth at La Cueva
mouser-nerdbot: Belize Jungle Butterfly
mouser-nerdbot: Red Admiral
mouser-nerdbot: Western Tiger Swallowtail
mouser-nerdbot: Mourning Cloak
mouser-nerdbot: Coronis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Coronis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Coronis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Coronis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Coronis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Rocky Mountain Parnassian clings to a blade of glass for support
mouser-nerdbot: Pipevine Swallowtail
mouser-nerdbot: A butterfly of some sort
mouser-nerdbot: Mourning Cloak
mouser-nerdbot: Western Tiger Swallowtail
mouser-nerdbot: White Admiral
mouser-nerdbot: Atlantis Fritillary
mouser-nerdbot: Arizona Sister
mouser-nerdbot: Monarchs
mouser-nerdbot: Name That Moth!
mouser-nerdbot: Butterfly on a Plant