Mourner: A warm evening
Mourner: A cloud of crows
Mourner: Ruins near the sea
Mourner: Escaping ducks
Mourner: Hiding sun
Mourner: Hunter
Mourner: A bird flock
Mourner: A climbing cat
Mourner: A dove
Mourner: A figure on a column
Mourner: A cathedral
Mourner: Doves on a wire
Mourner: A rainbow
Mourner: A rocky coast 2
Mourner: Waiting for the sunset
Mourner: Sunset chess 4
Mourner: Sunset at the sea 1
Mourner: A cold morning
Mourner: A winter texture
Mourner: Winter lights 2
Mourner: A road to nowhere
Mourner: A winter night
Mourner: Icicles
Mourner: Colors of sound
Mourner: Calming down
Mourner: Im on ur mixer messin' ur levels
Mourner: Winter forest
Mourner: Day 1 - A night window view
Mourner: My guitar
Mourner: Day 2 - Photographer self-portrait