Mountain Visions: Fire Rescue
Mountain Visions: Standing on the edge of the unknown
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Cycle-Smart International (2011) New England Cyclocross
Mountain Visions: Tethered...Grounded Due to Fog!
Mountain Visions: Adirondack Balloon Festival
Mountain Visions: Verplanck Colvin Survey Bolt - Dix Mountain, NY
Mountain Visions: Moody sunset over the Colvin Range
Mountain Visions: The Views Are Just As Sweet...
Mountain Visions: Well earned summit snack and nap on Dix Mountain
Mountain Visions: Trail Dogs and Trail Chicks on the Beckhorn
Mountain Visions: Adirondack Balloon Festival
Mountain Visions: Adirondack Balloon Festival
Mountain Visions: I am the image of God: How the Spectre of the Brocken found me in the Adirondacks