Mountain of Clouds: Round rocks, sharp granite, no time to play
Mountain of Clouds: Cholla garden
Mountain of Clouds: Bruised sky behind me
Mountain of Clouds: New Mexico sunrise
Mountain of Clouds: Gorgeous morning
Mountain of Clouds: Pearly sky
Mountain of Clouds: Rippled clouds
Mountain of Clouds: Flowers stalks and mountain tops
Mountain of Clouds: Wren in the ocotillo
Mountain of Clouds: Little jackrabbit
Mountain of Clouds: Yucca stalks and low mountaintops
Mountain of Clouds: Loser: rattlesnake vs. car
Mountain of Clouds: Dust devil
Mountain of Clouds: Barn with red door
Mountain of Clouds: Trout Pool at Sinks Canyon
Mountain of Clouds: Bands of color
Mountain of Clouds: Trees, hills, sky
Mountain of Clouds: Wyoming Tie & Timber Company lumberman monument
Mountain of Clouds: Rough stone carved statue
Mountain of Clouds: An outlier peak
Mountain of Clouds: Ethereal peaks
Mountain of Clouds: Cormorants or loons or something else
Mountain of Clouds: Jackson Lake
Mountain of Clouds: River at sunrise
Mountain of Clouds: View over the lake