kluehirschSnowpine: "Where the Sun Stores its Gold" DSC08371
kluehirschSnowpine: "The Universe in a Small Piece of Earth" DSC08395
kluehirschSnowpine: yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 403
kluehirschSnowpine: yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 395
kluehirschSnowpine: yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 036
kluehirschSnowpine: yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 397
kluehirschSnowpine: "Quake Lake Calm" DSC04938
kluehirschSnowpine: "Lakebeams of the Sun" yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 261
kluehirschSnowpine: "Lake Yellowstone in June" DSC07520
kluehirschSnowpine: "Golden Staircase" DSC05366
kluehirschSnowpine: "A Gold Cascade" DSC05448_edited-1.jpg
kluehirschSnowpine: "Not a Cooling" DSC05447_edited-1.jpg
kluehirschSnowpine: "Gold Origin" DSC05449_edited-1.jpg
kluehirschSnowpine: "Opposites Balance" DSC_0070_edited-2.jpg
kluehirschSnowpine: "Light Deeper" DSC07979_edited-1.jpg
kluehirschSnowpine: "Front Row" yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 431-1
kluehirschSnowpine: "Madison River Paradise" yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 501
kluehirschSnowpine: "Lit" yellowstone 2009 sony card 1 744
kluehirschSnowpine: "Light Vector" DSC_0056
kluehirschSnowpine: "Near/Far" DSC06517
kluehirschSnowpine: "Edgy Light" DSC06417
kluehirschSnowpine: "Light Dusting" DSC06526
kluehirschSnowpine: "Guarded" DSC05028
kluehirschSnowpine: "Through Water's Veil" DSC05034
kluehirschSnowpine: "The Sky Cries for the Lake 1" DSC05030
kluehirschSnowpine: "Czeslaw's Lament" DSC05031