kluehirschSnowpine: "East Shore of Frozen Yellowstone Lake"DSC_0085-1
kluehirschSnowpine: "Duck Creek Pond" DSC_0101-2
kluehirschSnowpine: "Quake Lake" DSC_0281
kluehirschSnowpine: "Quake Lake Reflections" DSC_0283
kluehirschSnowpine: "Hot Blue on Ice" DSC_0292
kluehirschSnowpine: "Reflections in a Dark Mirror" DSC_0307
kluehirschSnowpine: "Perfect Dragon Line" DSC_0431
kluehirschSnowpine: "Loose Diamonds" DSC_0481
kluehirschSnowpine: "Rite" DSC_0506
kluehirschSnowpine: "Cross Current I" DSC_0558
kluehirschSnowpine: "The Edge of California" DSC_0197
kluehirschSnowpine: "Tear in the Earth" DSC_0251
kluehirschSnowpine: "San Francisco Docks" DSC_0527
kluehirschSnowpine: "Day-Glow Ground" DSC_0545
kluehirschSnowpine: "Treated California" DSC_0549
kluehirschSnowpine: "Evening Rip" DSC_0650
kluehirschSnowpine: DSC_0390-1
kluehirschSnowpine: "Lake Michigan Horizon" DSC_0423-1
kluehirschSnowpine: "Golden Old Pier" DSC_0619
kluehirschSnowpine: "Last Light"
kluehirschSnowpine: "Layers at Artist's Point" DSC_0013
kluehirschSnowpine: DSC_0021
kluehirschSnowpine: "Warm Sun on Spring Pines" DSC_0029
kluehirschSnowpine: "Spring Cascade" DSC_0051
kluehirschSnowpine: "Ochre before the Falls" DSC_0072
kluehirschSnowpine: "Pyramid Mountain I"
kluehirschSnowpine: "The Cool Cullens"
kluehirschSnowpine: "Flathead Lake in Spring"
kluehirschSnowpine: "Mission Mountain Diamonds"