mounhsarath: Monk blessing during my dad's funeral
mounhsarath: Monk blessing for my dad's funeral
mounhsarath: Monk blessing
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: funeral
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: My dad's funeral
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: Wat Kampaeng, Battambang - Cambodia
mounhsarath: I light the candle for my dad's spirit
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: Dad's funeral
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: Funeral
mounhsarath: Friends
mounhsarath: My wife, Sor
mounhsarath: Prepare for monk blessing
mounhsarath: At the village
mounhsarath: Dinner with guest
mounhsarath: To the temple
mounhsarath: Organize the trip
mounhsarath: Lunch at the ceremony place
mounhsarath: My Dad
mounhsarath: Ka Thin
mounhsarath: Ka Thin
mounhsarath: Walk 3 rounds the temple
mounhsarath: Walk 3 rounds
mounhsarath: Prepare for the move