Moun10Bike: 100228_001-Yakima Canyon from near the start
Moun10Bike: 100228_002-Yakima Canyon from near the start
Moun10Bike: 100228_003-Jameson, Jerry and Jim
Moun10Bike: 100228_004-Jameson
Moun10Bike: 100228_005-Jerry, Michele and Jameson
Moun10Bike: 100228_006-Jameson and Michele
Moun10Bike: 100228_007-EraSeek
Moun10Bike: 100228_008-Yakima Canyon
Moun10Bike: 100228_009-Michele looking toward Umtanum Cnayon
Moun10Bike: 100228_010-Yakima and Umtanum Canyons
Moun10Bike: 100228_011-Jameson, Yakima and Umtanum Canyons
Moun10Bike: 100228_012-Chukar Amphitheater
Moun10Bike: 100228_013-Chukar Amphitheater
Moun10Bike: 100228_014-Jameson and Michele
Moun10Bike: 100228_015-Yakima and Umtanum Canyons
Moun10Bike: 100228_016-The gang at the cache
Moun10Bike: 100228_017-Jim, Jameson and Michele at the cache
Moun10Bike: 100228_018-Chukar Amphitheater
Moun10Bike: 100228_020-Michele and Jim check out the rim of Chukar Amphitheater