Moun10Bike: 090902_001-Our little kindergartener!
Moun10Bike: 090902_002-Our little kindergartener!
Moun10Bike: 090902_003-Getting on the bus
Moun10Bike: 090902_004-Getting on the bus
Moun10Bike: 090902_005-Off he goes!
Moun10Bike: 090902_006-Arriving at Rachel Carson Elementary
Moun10Bike: 090902_007-A slug blocks the way!
Moun10Bike: 090902_008-Mrs. Davis leads the class inside
Moun10Bike: 090902_009-Picking out a cubbie
Moun10Bike: 090902_010-Preparing to color his name
Moun10Bike: 090902_011-Class and watchful parents
Moun10Bike: 090902_012-Mrs. Davis instructs the kids
Moun10Bike: 090902_013-Jameson with Mrs. Davis
Moun10Bike: 090902_014-Arriving back in the neighborhood
Moun10Bike: 090902_015-Mom and student on day one!