mottom: Westminster Abbey front
mottom: home of the crown jewels
mottom: lion has lost his bite at British Museum
mottom: a frothy non-real ale
mottom: millenium bridge
mottom: re-enactment
mottom: warning
mottom: coming thru the Camden Locks
mottom: like a proper English lady
mottom: medieval
mottom: visting Buckingham palace, don't forget your hat
mottom: I had read that Starbucks has interferred with tea time
mottom: late night Camden Town pop art
mottom: sexy tower
mottom: 10 Downing Street
mottom: residences on the Regents Canal in Camden Town
mottom: Warren Cup, documents some early Roman naughtiness
mottom: Tate Modern works by some Andy guy
mottom: mummified cats at British Musuem
mottom: Tower of London
mottom: the bright colors of London
mottom: securing the Camden Town Market
mottom: view from the roof bar of London's famous tall things
mottom: view for St. James Park
mottom: lion guarding Nelson's column at Trafalgar Square
mottom: Westminster Abbey
mottom: me lady
mottom: the iPhone trumps traditional icons
mottom: British Museum