Zoom Lens: Underwater Dance of the Bat-Winged Mermaid
Zoom Lens: The Flintwad of Bojesus
Zoom Lens: The Eye of the Bee is upon Us
Zoom Lens: Teeny Tiny Bee
Zoom Lens: Grain of salt on a plate
Zoom Lens: Victim of the Infinite Boke
Zoom Lens: Just Feelings
Zoom Lens: Eyes of the Wolf Spider
Zoom Lens: Candy Lipstick Kisses
Zoom Lens: 1 Inch Away
Zoom Lens: Dragon Fangs
Zoom Lens: Bearded Wise Man
Zoom Lens: Hibiscus Pollen
Zoom Lens: Tomato Plant in Pot with Window
Zoom Lens: Baby Jalapeno Pepper - one eighth inch long
Zoom Lens: Coral Latitudes
Zoom Lens: Raindrop peeking in a window
Zoom Lens: A Dragon's Last Prayer
Zoom Lens: Ants eating aphids on a jalapeno flower
Zoom Lens: Green Lynx Spider eyeballing You up close and Personal
Zoom Lens: Green Lynx Spider eyeballing You up close and Personal — Click on photo twice to view large
Zoom Lens: Through the Looking Glass
Zoom Lens: The ultrafine hairs on a Dragonfly's leg
Zoom Lens: Bloom the size of the head of a pin -- Micro
Zoom Lens: Marble: Self-portrait / Marbles: A portrait
Zoom Lens: Spiny-backed orb-weaver spider
Zoom Lens: Chair and Window reflected in match head size Dewdrop
Zoom Lens: Falling off the Petal
Zoom Lens: Heavy Laden
Zoom Lens: The seconds went by in a Blur