Zoom Lens: All Aflutter
Zoom Lens: First in Flight
Zoom Lens: Carolina Saddlebags in Flight
Zoom Lens: Carolina Saddlebags touch and go --- II
Zoom Lens: Incoming Dragon
Zoom Lens: Landing gear down and on final approach -- 2 of 3
Zoom Lens: Flyby in preparation for Landing
Zoom Lens: Sticking the Landing
Zoom Lens: Tailhooks Down
Zoom Lens: Stupid Carolina Saddlebags
Zoom Lens: Inbound for the Favorite Perch
Zoom Lens: Landing Party
Zoom Lens: Incoming
Zoom Lens: I'm over the Abyss and I read you 5 by 5
Zoom Lens: Mere inches to Go
Zoom Lens: 6 inches Under
Zoom Lens: Landing sequence initiated
Zoom Lens: Twig Bound
Zoom Lens: Zooming in for a Landing
Zoom Lens: Almost touchdown --- 1
Zoom Lens: Multiple tailhooks --- This jet won't miss
Zoom Lens: Almost touchdown --- 2
Zoom Lens: I'm trying to help the poor man get better at this
Zoom Lens: Cruisin'
Zoom Lens: Quad
Zoom Lens: Landing Pad
Zoom Lens: First Contact
Zoom Lens: The exact moment of Touchdown
Zoom Lens: Sticking the Landing