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Ectoplasm by Zoom Lens
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Zoom Lens
A Flower for your Heart
Zoom Lens
Jellyfish with Alien Globulahn (Mas Flotard)
Zoom Lens
Don't run with the Sun in your hand
Zoom Lens
Zoom Lens
The Thespian of Ignorance rides a Blind Mare
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Casper, Casper, how we've wronged you! What do you see in your crystal ball?
Zoom Lens
Shade: Carrying Jay Leno's (portraying James Dean) severed head while wearing Shades and flashing the Spectre of the Devil's Tail while Pac-Man is devoured by a Great White Shark
Zoom Lens
Shine the ever loving light on me
Zoom Lens
Crystal Ball Visions
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Dolphin leaping from the Ocean while I kissed the Water Nymph
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How many Flights of Fancy will you take
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Facing the Waves unafraid
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Sometimes all of the Love just leaks right out of a Heart
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Antennae Ant Felldown Angelcake Pinata
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The Flintwad of Bojesus (The Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness)
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Fairies need their offerings
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Large Eagles attack Baby Elephants
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Run and play with the horses
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The Rosebud of Indignation
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Djinn blowing smoke rings at the Moon
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The investigation into the facts
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A visit from the first of three haints
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Captain America and the Justice League! Is it any Wonder, Woman?
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Zoom Lens
There may come a time to pull the plug
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Playing French Horn for the Ghostly Gallery
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Zoom Lens
MFGD Avocado avec Dragonfly - The Stained Glass Tapestries of Summer
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Moltanardo Monohegrein - Blaupunkt Scatter Raygun
Zoom Lens
The Birthplace of Stars
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