motocchio: FADED MEMORY: summer in vietnam 2008
motocchio: boys & fire
motocchio: take it easy on the boat
motocchio: hello, hoi an!
motocchio: 市場のひとびと/market people
motocchio: tailor in blue
motocchio: tailor with the alter
motocchio: turquoise serenade 1
motocchio: turquoise serenade 3
motocchio: 火花/spark!
motocchio: お昼寝/napping
motocchio: enter the dragon
motocchio: at the post office
motocchio: てこてこ
motocchio: 市場にて/at the market
motocchio: their home field 3
motocchio: 床屋で/at the barber
motocchio: 市場で賭けごと/gambling at the market
motocchio: at the tourist office
motocchio: prologue: night in hoi an
motocchio: night in hoi an: lantern festival
motocchio: night in hoi an: street chess
motocchio: night in hoian: lantern festival
motocchio: night in hoi an: lantern festival
motocchio: night in hoi an: lantern festival
motocchio: night in hoi an: lantern festival
motocchio: night in hoi an: lantern festival