motocchio: livio w/ his mini train
motocchio: my fav. flowers
motocchio: his favorite place
motocchio: look at me!
motocchio: gelato!
motocchio: their home field
motocchio: the universe is revolving around him 2
motocchio: la luce di luglio/七月のヒカリ 3
motocchio: don't cry...
motocchio: おきあがりポロンちゃん、イタリアへ
motocchio: future gambler?
motocchio: 集中/concentration
motocchio: dream: being a painter
motocchio: さわりたい/wanna touch
motocchio: ◯ ^_^ ◯◯◯
motocchio: わん♪
motocchio: running red dot (reloaded)
motocchio: 初めてのおめかし
motocchio: alex
motocchio: magic autobus
motocchio: いないいない
motocchio: ・・
motocchio: よりどりみどり
motocchio: this place is all mine!
motocchio: waiting for the big girls to finish their talk...
motocchio: FADED MEMORY: her favorite 4-wheel
motocchio: 熱血フォトグラファー/photo enthusiast
motocchio: fascinated
motocchio: their circuit