motleypixel: Niswanger Family Summer 2010 Vacation.
motleypixel: Game On!
motleypixel: Jacob's Cave near Versailles, MO
motleypixel: Jacob's Cave near Versailles, MO
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Hobie Mirage Adventure Island Tri-Maran Kayak
motleypixel: Mom and Evan at Binder Lake State Park: Jefferson City, MO
motleypixel: Wendi on John's Tri-Maran Kayak near the boat dock: Rocky Mt., MO
motleypixel: Ryan and Logan doing a little dock fishing.
motleypixel: Logan playing with Grandmom's pineapple.
motleypixel: Drenched at Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: Logan at Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: Ryan at Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: Logan at Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: Evan at Silver Dollar City: Branson, MO
motleypixel: The In-Law's House: Jefferson City, MO
motleypixel: Pickerel Frog in the entrance to Jacob's Cave
motleypixel: Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
motleypixel: Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa)
motleypixel: Robber Fly
motleypixel: Robber Fly
motleypixel: Bumble Bee in video. Jefferson City, MO