davidb0229: Town Forest is in the Interstate Highway median
davidb0229: Entrance lane
davidb0229: Where we are going
davidb0229: Entrance gate on Rte. 1A
davidb0229: Entrance lane
davidb0229: Overgrown lane
davidb0229: End of the entrance lane
davidb0229: The path in
davidb0229: Possibly the path
davidb0229: Path along the westerly edge
davidb0229: Path through pine woods
davidb0229: An old road?
davidb0229: Marshland
davidb0229: Wall in the woods
davidb0229: Stone wall near the swamp.
davidb0229: Approaching the end of the first high ridge
davidb0229: Small trees on the ridge
davidb0229: Tangled undergrowth
davidb0229: Decating tree
davidb0229: Boundary fence on hilly terrain
davidb0229: Boundary marker
davidb0229: Stone wall
davidb0229: Another road in the woods?
davidb0229: Old and curious sign
davidb0229: piney glen
davidb0229: Old roadway?
davidb0229: old trash
davidb0229: Fork in the road?
davidb0229: Service road
davidb0229: Service road connection to southbound lanes