Myrtle26: Sandra Farrell. Jerry Clifford
Myrtle26: Elaine Carey in The Blind Piper
Myrtle26: Peter Graham in his corner
Myrtle26: Aileen O'Donoghue in The Blind Piper
Myrtle26: Senator Mark Daly and Customers
Myrtle26: Katie Farrell. Wendy Bot. Alma O'Donoghue. Blind Piper. Caherdaniel
Myrtle26: Sandra and Friends in The Blind Piper
Myrtle26: Fiona and Michael
Myrtle26: Senator Mark Daly
Myrtle26: Senator Mark Daly and Francie O'Shea
Myrtle26: A Happy Man
Myrtle26: Helen Carey. Mossy Carey
Myrtle26: Peter Graham in the Blind Piper
Myrtle26: Senator Mark Daly and Ladies
Myrtle26: Katie and Friends
Myrtle26: Katie Sudol
Myrtle26: Happy Customers in The Blind Piper
Myrtle26: Vincent Hyland Documentary Film Maker