Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Light Blue Apatite Indigo Copper Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Blue Apatite and Orange Agate Gunmetal Copper Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Apatite and Agate Bronze Copper Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Purple and Amethyst Wirewrapped Copper Spiral Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Spiral Amethyst Copper Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Carnelian Agate and Apatite Bronze Copper Toe Ring by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Turquoise and Natural Agate Bronze Silver Copper Toe Ring by Moss & MIst Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Chinese Turquoise, Garnet, & Peridot Sterling Silver Wirework Toe RIng by Moss & Mist Jewelry
Moss & Mist Jewelry:
Chinese Turquoise Argentium Silver Spiral Wirework Toe Ring, Nickel Free - by Moss & Mist Jewelry