Vermont Ed 802: Swamp Sparrow
Vermont Ed 802: Great Egret
Vermont Ed 802: Shelburne Farms
Vermont Ed 802: Brown-headed Cowbird pair
Vermont Ed 802: American Redstart
Vermont Ed 802: Fantastic "cowboy" breakfast
Vermont Ed 802: Bobolink
Vermont Ed 802: American Goldfinch
Vermont Ed 802: Baltimore Oriole
Vermont Ed 802: Redwinged Blackbird
Vermont Ed 802: Northern Harrier mobbed by redwinged blackbirds
Vermont Ed 802: Northern Harrier
Vermont Ed 802: Canada Goose with goslings
Vermont Ed 802: Northern Watersnake
Vermont Ed 802: Columbine on Shelburne Pond
Vermont Ed 802: Scarlet Tanager
Vermont Ed 802: Shelburne Farms
Vermont Ed 802: Shelburne Farms
Vermont Ed 802: View from Lone Tree Hill
Vermont Ed 802: Shelburne Farms
Vermont Ed 802: Map turtle and Painted turtle
Vermont Ed 802: Baltimore Oriole
Vermont Ed 802: Baltimore Oriole
Vermont Ed 802: Champlain Sunset
Vermont Ed 802: Common Yellowthroat
Vermont Ed 802: Indigo Bunting
Vermont Ed 802: Indigo Bunting
Vermont Ed 802: Northern Flicker
Vermont Ed 802: Alder Flyctcher
Vermont Ed 802: Yellow Warbler