Vermont Ed 802: White-tailed deer
Vermont Ed 802: Eastern Coyote
Vermont Ed 802: Coyote and deer comparison
Vermont Ed 802: Fisher - up close and personal
Vermont Ed 802: Fisher - Stealth Cam
Vermont Ed 802: Fisher - Stealth Cam
Vermont Ed 802: Stealth Cam set-up
Vermont Ed 802: Bobcat at night with bizarre sounds...
Vermont Ed 802: Fisher - Martes pennanti
Vermont Ed 802: Red Fox trail cam
Vermont Ed 802: Bobcat and Red Fox on a Cold Vermont Night
Vermont Ed 802: Bobcat on Trail Cam!!
Vermont Ed 802: Bobcat footage.
Vermont Ed 802: Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)
Vermont Ed 802: Barred Owl vs. Frozen Chicken Neck
Vermont Ed 802: Young Fisher
Vermont Ed 802: Eastern Coyote