Mosman Council:
Receipting day - Artists of Mosman: 2088
Mosman Council:
Receipting day - Artists of Mosman: 2088
Mosman Council:
Receipting day - Artists of Mosman: 2088
Mosman Council:
Receipting day - Artists of Mosman: 2088
Mosman Council:
Receipting day - Artists of Mosman: 2088
Mosman Council:
Opening of the Artists of Mosman: 2088 exhibition
Mosman Council:
Opening of the Artists of Mosman: 2088 exhibition
Mosman Council:
Opening of the Artists of Mosman: 2088 exhibition
Mosman Council:
Paul Delprat as Albie Thoms looks on
Mosman Council:
Albie Thoms & Paul Delprat
Mosman Council:
Paul Delprat
Mosman Council:
Albie Thoms