KorayGokhan : Race with a bird =)
KorayGokhan : ..7...8...9..
KorayGokhan : Yanlızlığım.........
KorayGokhan : Moon (2008-08-17 00:59 Ankara/Türkiye)
KorayGokhan : Merdiven...
KorayGokhan : You want me, Come find me :)
KorayGokhan : Yalnızlığım yollarıma pusu kurmuş beklemekte...
KorayGokhan : I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine.
KorayGokhan : Connecting to the Life...
KorayGokhan : Horeyyy =)
KorayGokhan : Wracckkk... wracckkk... wracckkk...
KorayGokhan : Death will be come sooner or later!
KorayGokhan : Yerde miyim?... Gökte miyim?...
KorayGokhan : A Landscape Shoot...
KorayGokhan : in a mirror in water...
KorayGokhan : Darkness must be saved...
KorayGokhan : 4.Turret
KorayGokhan : 5.Koğuşta Düşsel Gerçekler
KorayGokhan : Bir Nefeslik Ara...
KorayGokhan : Wait!.. For What?.. !!..
KorayGokhan : Sycho in the Prision Cell...
KorayGokhan : Mahkum...
KorayGokhan : Madness on the Traffic!!!
KorayGokhan : Freedom! What is this!!!
KorayGokhan : Alaskadaki İnsan Yoğunluğu...