Earl Grey Siân: New from Apple, the iPot!
Earl Grey Siân: Cup cake tray
Earl Grey Siân: New from Apple, the iPot!
Earl Grey Siân: Mosaic birdbath, tea tray, ornament or anything other use you can think of.
Earl Grey Siân: Mosaic tray. My first ever attempt at mosaicing.
Earl Grey Siân: Mosaic tea tray
Earl Grey Siân: Mosaic tray
Earl Grey Siân: Another coaster
Earl Grey Siân: Another coaster
Earl Grey Siân: Cupcake anyone?
Earl Grey Siân: IMG_1519
Earl Grey Siân: IMG_1518
Earl Grey Siân: Time for tea
Earl Grey Siân: Throw another bag in the pot
Earl Grey Siân: Ribbon Hair