Morty79: Two pages
Morty79: watercolor from memory
Morty79: Watercolor image012
Morty79: Just working the pencil
Morty79: Bizarre droid
Morty79: Photo study
Morty79: Study for journal
Morty79: Study for Journal
Morty79: Gestures
Morty79: Gestures
Morty79: Pen and ink
Morty79: Water color figure
Morty79: Watercolor figure study
Morty79: legs-cadmusstudy
Morty79: hipthighs-journalstudy
Morty79: crazybaboon
Morty79: colorfulsketch
Morty79: justahornedfella
Morty79: spacecraft in progress
Morty79: rapid sketches self and folks
Morty79: suitideas
Morty79: bluehead
Morty79: journal page018
Morty79: charcoalstudy
Morty79: figurestudydoodle
Morty79: gestures2-2-09