1266 R Port Arthur SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth in Port Arthur 25-30. VIII.1910, where the Japanese showed the battlefield and the Museum to the all complement ENTANGLEMENTS NEAR SHOJISHAN
1266 R Port Arthur SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth in Port Arthur 25-30. VIII.1910, where the Japanese showed the battlefield and the Museum to the all complement VOL.1. (10) THROAT OF SUNGSHUSHAN BATTARY
1265 R Port Arthur SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth in Port Arthur 25-30. VIII.1910, where the Japanese showed the battlefield and the Museum to the all complement SKELTOM & GUN AT SHOJUSHAN
1264 R Port Arthur SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth in Port Arthur 25-30. VIII.1910, where the Japanese showed the battlefield and the Museum to the all complement PREPARATION FOR OFFERING GARLANDS
THE TZAR'S MESENGERS ARRIVING AT PORT ARTHUR STATION Port Arthur ~ 1910. SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth in Port Arthur •25-30. X.1910. Port Arthur, where the Japanese showed the battlefield and the Museum to the all complement.