mortimer?: Red Tarn from Striding Edge
mortimer?: Trento from above
mortimer?: Under the snow
mortimer?: Chartreuse du reposoir
mortimer?: Mont Blanc Summit
mortimer?: Les Carroz
mortimer?: IMG_2438-forflickr
mortimer?: Chalet under the snow
mortimer?: Striding Edge 180º
mortimer?: Val Senales
mortimer?: 21:16-06:24
mortimer?: Moon Light
mortimer?: Austere
mortimer?: Bocca Paloni
mortimer?: Welcome to Val Duròn
mortimer?: Oublie le reste du monde
mortimer?: Down Striding Edge
mortimer?: Trentino
mortimer?: Zara
mortimer?: Where will they land?
mortimer?: Aiguille Verte Ski Resort
mortimer?: Croce del Chegul
mortimer?: Blue and Green
mortimer?: New Day, New Year
mortimer?: View over the Alps
mortimer?: The way to the Polenta