.sara: ENTRY: transport
.sara: Ellis Island medical buildings
.sara: Ellis Island medical buildings
.sara: Ellis Island - Traditional Immigrant Graffiti
.sara: Ellis Island - Traditional Immigrant Graffiti
.sara: Ellis Island - Traditional Immigrant Sinks
.sara: leftoverstuff
.sara: ethelklein
.sara: susanonferry
.sara: posing
.sara: susanliberty
.sara: takingminetakingyours
.sara: quartersonly
.sara: shespies
.sara: concentration
.sara: famousskylinemanhattan
.sara: libertythroughthetrees
.sara: susanskyline
.sara: saraskyline
.sara: notheridea
.sara: tryingtolooknormal
.sara: upcloseonferry
.sara: fromferry
.sara: fromferry2
.sara: "storm of the century"
.sara: "storm of the century"
.sara: statue of liberty b&W
.sara: handstand in central park (me)
.sara: handstand in central park (sister)
.sara: outsidethewhitney