Morouxshi: Train Ride at the Zoo
Morouxshi: Hospital Snowfall
Morouxshi: Waiting for the Show to Start
Morouxshi: Pusswhip Banggang
Morouxshi: Denver through the ChoLon Windows
Morouxshi: My Commute
Morouxshi: The hills are alive with the sound of OMFG FIRE!
Morouxshi: Ribeye
Morouxshi: Taco Tuesday - 10.26.10
Morouxshi: Carly pretending the picture is ok
Morouxshi: My Girl Wrote Me a Letter
Morouxshi: Squirrel!
Morouxshi: Gundam Exia GN-001 1/100
Morouxshi: Gundam Exia GN-001 1/100
Morouxshi: Vieques
Morouxshi: Red Snapper, it's what's for dinner
Morouxshi: Greetings!
Morouxshi: All that green, mostly swamps
Morouxshi: The bird waits for leftovers
Morouxshi: My Ikaruga model kit just got here. Nice.
Morouxshi: Turquoise Lake
Morouxshi: XXXG-OIW Wing Gundam
Morouxshi: Daily Win
Morouxshi: We're gonna need a bigger bowl
Morouxshi: At the Nuggets game.
Morouxshi: American Engineering.
Morouxshi: Lets go Rox!
Morouxshi: Boba Fett Dance Central
Morouxshi: 'phant
Morouxshi: Strings