moronbros: first view of El Cap
moronbros: Ryan and the base
moronbros: sundog
moronbros: packing pigs at the base
moronbros: The start of the Muir Wall
moronbros: sorting gear at camp 4
moronbros: Car ripped apart by a bear
moronbros: prep
moronbros: parting shot
moronbros: Ryan leads pitch 4
moronbros: looking down from the pitch 3 anchors
moronbros: rescue drill
moronbros: pitch 3 of the Muir Wall
moronbros: salathe rescue (real one)
moronbros: salathe injured party
moronbros: features
moronbros: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing BOB
moronbros: leading the Zodiac's nipple pitch
moronbros: passed out in the meadow
moronbros: bags docked above sickle ledge
moronbros: bob and ambrose return from fixing
moronbros: spray
moronbros: the king cobra
moronbros: gatorade for the poor
moronbros: rental
moronbros: steepest 5.8 in the valley?
moronbros: 10c finger crack
moronbros: screaming barfies
moronbros: smearing
moronbros: sewn up