MorningThief581: melvin and milenna
MorningThief581: melvin and johari
MorningThief581: hey! down here!
MorningThief581: hey raffiki
MorningThief581: jaguar spying
MorningThief581: jaguar on the prowl
MorningThief581: patagonian cavy
MorningThief581: king vulture
MorningThief581: young king vulture
MorningThief581: jaguar at rest
MorningThief581: river otter
MorningThief581: river otter closeup
MorningThief581: profile of a red-shouldered hawk
MorningThief581: portrait of a red-shouldered hawk
MorningThief581: melvin has a tongue problem
MorningThief581: melvin the magnificent
MorningThief581: more melvin