mormolyke: Haight-Ashbury (literally)
mormolyke: View from Twin Peaks
mormolyke: View of the fog rolling in over the GG Bridge from Twin Peaks
mormolyke: View of the fog rolling in from Twin Peaks
mormolyke: With the San Francisco School of the Arts Chamber Choir
mormolyke: A Tesla!
mormolyke: Breakfast at Zazie
mormolyke: Mel's drive-in on Geary
mormolyke: What does the fox say?
mormolyke: African-American Art & Culture Complex
mormolyke: Concrete graffiti sperm
mormolyke: Concrete graffiti penis
mormolyke: St. Ignatius
mormolyke: Painted Ladies
mormolyke: Jade plant
mormolyke: Bottlebrush flower
mormolyke: Bottlebrush tree!
mormolyke: Trekking to twitter across San Francisco
mormolyke: Pretty house
mormolyke: Volti rehearsal
mormolyke: Chilling at Mark Winges's house
mormolyke: I'm on a boat
mormolyke: On board Poppy with Sue Bohlin
mormolyke: I'm on a boat
mormolyke: Helping Bob Geary out on the boat
mormolyke: View of the Golden Gate Bridge from the Bay
mormolyke: On the San Francisco Bay with Volti
mormolyke: Working hard as Volti's Choral Arts Laboratory Composer