mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Approaching the crater
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: View
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Yay, we're here, after years of saying we would go sometime
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Liberty Bell
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: There it is
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Matt on the overlook
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Roadtroppers
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Raven was cawing his heart out nearby
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Raven SWOOP!
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Matt at the top
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Seeing forever
mormolyke: Meteor Crater:
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: View from the top -- you can see the Magnum again
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Matt on the edge
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Meteorite fragment
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: Matt is really standing in the crater! Really!
mormolyke: Meteor Crater: We are unconvinced by the museum