mormolyke: New Mexico: Border Patrol inspection checkpoint
mormolyke: New Mexico: We spent some time chasing dust devils
mormolyke: New Mexico: Roadside scenery
mormolyke: New Mexico: Roadside scenery
mormolyke: New Mexico: Border Patrol inspection checkpoint
mormolyke: New Mexico: Border Patrol inspection checkpoint
mormolyke: New Mexico: Border Patrol inspection checkpoint
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: The reveal
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: The overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: The overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Flora on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Matt on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Flora on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Matt hiding in the overlook scenery
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: The Magnum on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Flora on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Flora on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Flora on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Matt sets up a shot on the overlook
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Our growing collection of magnets
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Entrance
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Sunsets
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Sunsets
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Sunsets
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: Campsite 29, "Aries"
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: View from our campsite
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: View from our campsite
mormolyke: City of Rocks State Park: View from our campsite