mormolyke: Texas: Matt takes the wheel
mormolyke: Texas: Texas tea
mormolyke: Lancaster, Texas: Matt in Julie's guest room
mormolyke: Lancaster, Texas: Julie in the amazing guest room where we stayed
mormolyke: Dallas: Matt in Julie's big ol' SUV
mormolyke: Dallas
mormolyke: Dallas: Julie and Matt at the cattle drive
mormolyke: Dallas: Cattle drive
mormolyke: Dallas: Longhorns in the city
mormolyke: Dallas: The cattle are driven down to the water
mormolyke: Dallas: Matt, Julie, and Mel
mormolyke: Dallas: Matt takes a photo of the African-American cowboy statue
mormolyke: Dallas: Crazy people congregate at the site of Kennedy's murder
mormolyke: Dallas: X marks the spot
mormolyke: Dallas: Commemorative plaque
mormolyke: Dallas: Book Depository
mormolyke: Dallas: Grassy knoll
mormolyke: Dallas: Book depository. Last window on the right, sixth floor.
mormolyke: Dallas: Book depository - the open window is where the shot came from
mormolyke: Dallas: Path of the cavalcade
mormolyke: Dallas: Kennedy Memorial
mormolyke: Dallas: Kennedy Memorial
mormolyke: Dallas: Mel atop a bronze longhorn
mormolyke: Dallas: A Ron Paul trash can, how apt
mormolyke: Dallas: The creme fraiche Mexican street corn cup that I could happily live on for the rest of my life
mormolyke: Dallas: Fuel City has the best tacos